code of conduct

Welcome to The Royal Academy of London, a prestigious educational institution dedicated to fostering a community of excellence, learning, and personal growth. As a student of our academy, you are an essential part of this dynamic and diverse community, and your conduct plays a vital role in maintaining an environment where all can thrive.

Our Code of Conduct serves as a compass, guiding your actions and interactions within our academic community. It outlines the values and expectations we hold dear and offers a clear framework for responsible and respectful behavior. By adhering to this code, you are not only ensuring your own success but also contributing to the well-being of your fellow students, faculty, and staff.

We believe that learning extends beyond the classroom, and that the bonds formed in this community can last a lifetime. This Code of Conduct is designed to help you navigate the challenges of academic life while encouraging the development of crucial life skills, such as integrity, respect, and responsibility.

This code is not just a set of rules and regulations; it’s a commitment to creating an inclusive and respectful environment that promotes academic achievement, personal growth, and a strong sense of community. We encourage you to read this document carefully, understand its principles, and embrace them as you embark on your educational journey at The Royal Academy of London.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey. The academy is here to support and guide you, and your fellow students are your allies on this path. By living up to the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct, we can collectively ensure that our academy continues to be a place of inspiration, learning, and growth.

We invite you to embark on this educational adventure with enthusiasm, commitment, and a deep respect for the values outlined in this code. Together, we can make your time at The Royal Academy of London a rewarding and memorable experience.

Welcome to a community of excellence, and thank you for being an integral part of The Royal Academy of London.

Respect for Others

All members of The Royal Academy of London are expected to treat one another with courtesy, respect, and consideration. This includes students, faculty, staff, and guests. Discrimination or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Academic Integrity

Maintaining honesty and integrity in academic work is a fundamental principle of our academy. Plagiarism, cheating, and any form of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited. Proper citation and attribution are required.

Non-Discrimination and Inclusivity

We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. Discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited and will be addressed promptly.

Punctuality and Attendance

Regular attendance and punctuality are important for academic success. Each program or course may have specific attendance requirements, which students are expected to adhere to.


We expect students to display professionalism in all aspects of academy life. This includes respectful communication, appropriate dress, and behavior that reflects positively on the academy

Use of Campus Resources

Students should responsibly utilize academy resources, such as libraries, laboratories, and equipment, in accordance with academy policies and guidelines. Any damage or misuse may result in consequences.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The privacy and confidentiality of individuals, including personal information and academic records, must be respected at all times. Unauthorized access or sharing of such information is strictly prohibited

Social Media and Online Conduct

Students are reminded that their actions and words online reflect on the academy. Responsible use of social media is expected, and harmful or inappropriate online behavior may have consequences

Conflict Resolution

Students are responsible for their own safety and the safety of others on campus. Familiarize yourself with safety regulations and emergency procedures and promptly report unsafe conditions or incidents

Health and Safety

We expect students to display professionalism in all aspects of academy life. This includes respectful communication, appropriate dress, and behavior that reflects positively on the academy

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

The academy has specific policies regarding alcohol and drug use on campus. Seek support services or counseling if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse issues

Community Engagement

Students are encouraged to participate in community activities and volunteer work to develop a sense of civic responsibility and contribute positively to the broader community

Code Violations and Consequences

Violations of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and addressed appropriately. Consequences may include warnings, probation, or, in extreme cases, expulsion. The severity of consequences will depend on the nature and repetition of the violation.

Complaint Mechanisms

The Code of Conduct will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Any updates or changes will be communicated to students, and their feedback may be sought during the review process.

Support Services

Various support services are available to students, including counseling, academic advising, and career guidance. Utilize these resources to enhance your academic and personal development.

Crisis Response

In the event of crises, emergencies, or incidents affecting student safety and well-being, the academy has established procedures to ensure a coordinated and timely response. Familiarize yourself with these procedures

Academic and Extracurricular Expectations

Participation in academic activities, extracurricular clubs, and events is encouraged. Engaging in these activities can enrich your educational experience and contribute to personal growth

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Respect for copyright and intellectual property rights is essential in academic and creative work. Properly attribute and cite sources, and seek permission when using others’ work

Student Responsibilities

As a student of The Royal Academy of London, you have a responsibility to contribute positively to the academy community. This includes adhering to the Code of Conduct, attending classes, and respecting the rights and dignity of others